
Shungite Tumble stone


Shungite Tumble Stone shields electromagnetic field emissions from all of your electronic equipment  including your phone and Wifi. Place a piece close to your TV or place a grid in your living room to help keep the EMF’s low. This crystal consists of nearly all the minerals in the periodic table and is thought to be nearly 2 billion years old



Shungite  crystal shields electromagnetic field emissions from all of your electronic equipment in your home  including your phone and Wifi.

Place a piece close to your TV or place a grid in your living room to help keep the EMF’s  at a low. Glue a small piece to the back of your mobile phone. This crystal consists of nearly all  of the minerals in the periodic table and  it is thought to be nearly 2 billion years old.

Fullernes which are found in shungite kill viruses and bacteria. Place a piece of this amazing crystal  in glass of water to purify it and remove any contaminants and radio active compounds.

Place a piece in your pocket to calm inflammation in the body ,also easing physical ailments like allergies, asthma, gastric issues, auto immune disorders and chronic fatigue.


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