
New Home Energy Cleansing Gift


New Home Energy Cleansing Gift contains  1 Smudge kit, 1 Himalayan salt lamp 2/3kg, 4 pieces of Tourmaline, 1 piece of citrine , 1 box of Nag champa and an Ash catcher.


New Home Energy Cleansing Gift is a very special gift for someone moving into a new home or if you would like to make your own home feel full of positive light energy.

This Gift contains a smudge kit; Contains a Californian white sage  smudge and shell, Palo Santo stick, stand and feather to help move the smoke of the sago and Palo Santo around your aura and your space. This clears negativity, cleanses, focuses and purifies any room  which is being smudged.

4 Tourmaline ; These rough pieces to be placed  in the 4 corners of your house or outside in the 4 corners of your gardens. This will help protect your house of negative energies.

1 singing Bowl; This can be used inside your house before you do a smudge in a room

1 Piece of citrine; Place this into the  south east or furthest left hand corner of your house to bring in abundance of health , happiness , joy and  Love.

1 Himalayan salt lamp 2/3kg ;Removes psychic debris from your energy body and your room. Helping you to release what no longer serves you. Promotes general cleansing and purification of  the air.  Enhances feelings of peace ,calm and happiness with encourages relaxation. Always remember to turn on the lamp in a room for 30mins a day to keep lamp from getting wet .

1 box of Nag champa incense sticks and a wooden Ash Catcher


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